Prior to being granted a work visa, you will typically be required to show that you have a job offer or are currently employed by a specific organization. A letter to that effect must be written and sent to the appropriate immigration officials first and foremost.
This letter is very similar to standard employment verification letters. The only difference is that it is almost entirely aimed at the immigration department or visa service center.
This article will teach you more about what a proof of employment letter for a visa is, what to include, and how to write your own.
What is a Proof of Employment Letter for a Visa?
A visa employment verification letter is similar to a regular employment verification letter, but it is only addressed to the immigration department or the visa service center. This letter serves as proof that you have a job offer or are currently employed by a specific company.
Moreover, an employment verification letter is a letter that can be used to support an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa application. This type of letter will typically demonstrate the nature of the job role and salary, as well as any other information relevant to your immigration application.
This could include whether the position is full-time or part-time, as well as whether it is permanent or temporary. It may also include, where applicable, the skills, experiences, and qualifications required to perform that role.
Purpose of This Letter
This letter has three purposes explained hereunder:
- Provide evidence of your employment status
To begin with, it attests to your employment status. In this regard, it basically explains and proves that you are legally employed and thus eligible for the employment visa. As previously stated, this verification is required in order to qualify for the visa.
- Facilitate your Eligibility for the Employment Visa
It also makes it easier for you to obtain an employment visa. It basically serves as proof and supporting evidence that you are eligible for the stated visa in this role. Without it, you may need to apply for another type of visa.
- Assist with Immigration Processing
If you are facing deportation or detention, this letter will come in handy once more. It may be used to argue your case and prevent you from being deported if provided to the appropriate immigration departments. When you have a pending case to answer, this also works wonders.
What to Include in This Letter
A typical letter of this type includes the following important details:
- Name and Address of the Employee: It is the employee’s identity. The name should ideally be accompanied by his unique identifiers, such as his employment registration identification number and the like.
- Employee Work Experience: This is the letter’s main point. Here, you explain the employee’s details, such as job title, contract start and end dates, and rank or job group within the company.
- Compensation Package: It is a summary of the employee’s pay and benefits. These include benefits for health, housing, and transportation.
- Signature and Date: Finish with the authoritative signature of the verifier and the date the letter was written. The goal of these two is to give the letter the official character it needs to be accepted.
Things to Remember
Two things that should never be forgotten when it comes to letter writing. Here are some:
- Confidentiality
When writing this letter, you should always maintain a reasonable level of confidentiality. Normally, immigration matters are too sensitive to be handled carelessly. Any violation of privacy will almost always land you in hot water, so avoid it at all costs.
- Accuracy of Information
Make certain that you only provide detailed and completely accurate information. Any deliberate flaws or provision of inaccurate information may result in significant penalties and unfavorable consequences for you. Stay firmly within the legal boundaries.
Sample and Template
We’ve included a sample and template to help you write an effective Proof of Employment Letter for Visa.
Employment Verification Letter for Visa Template
The following template will certainly get you started out well:
[City, State Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
This is to confirm that _______ (name of visa applicant) has been offered a position as a __ with us ________ (name of employer) (job title or capacity). He will be paid a gross salary of _________ (expected annual income) per year with us.
Our bus service is based in . (physical address of the company or employer). In addition, we have agreed to pay for his airfare to the United States.
Please allow him to enter our country. Please contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX if further clarification is required.
[Your name]
Employment Verification Letter for Visa Example
Kriz Uy
One Health Inc.
123 St. Everwood
Las Vegas 1235
July 15, 2020
Dear Sir/ Ma’am,
This is to verify that Mr. Allyson Ford has received a job offer with us One Health Inc. as nurse. He is slated to earn a gross pay of $44,000 per annum with us.
Our company is located at 125 E. County 7896 Union St. In addition, we have agreed to pay for his long term duties to Nevada.
Please allow him to enter our country. If further clarification is required, please contact us at 043-789-0125.
Dr. Kriz Uy
Proof of Employment Letter For Different Scenarios
Key Takeaways
- Proof of Employment Letter for Visa expedites your application for a work visa.
- If you are facing deportation or detention, this letter will be beneficial once more.
- When writing this letter, you should always maintain a reasonable level of confidentiality.
- It basically explains and proves that you are legally employed and thus qualify for the employment visa.